3 Ways A Hail History By Address Report Can Close A Claim

Graphic showing an abstract version of a wind and hail history by address report

“Oh, I just found a date of loss using a weather app, my memory, or a little bit of guessing!” This was the response I got when I asked a contractor how they used to piece together the hail history by address. 

What surprised me more was that this was a common theme with many people in the restoration industry.

This method of finding a date of loss could cost you tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue and years of your life dealing with claims in litigation. 

For instance, many contractors rely on NOAA reports, a public resource. However, these reports can lead you astray due to inaccurate data, such as false reports submitted by other contractors or misplaced pins from legitimate hail events.

But with a wind or hail history by address report, you can vet leads and claims, generate sales, and close a weather claim.

#1: Vet Clients With a Wind & Hail History by Address Report

Image of some properties to focus on with a wind and hail history by address report

Not every lead is created equal. 

Some properties, even if they have storm damage, may not merit a claim because the date of loss was outside the statute of limitations or before the effective date of the insurance policy. 

Thus, contractors can save time and resources by pulling a wind & hail history by address report. Within minutes, they can know if and when a property was hit by a storm. 

Just this one action can save a business from sinking thousands of dollars into a weather claim, only for it to get denied.

This wind & hail history by address report is not just for roofing contractors. 

This type of report is vital for everyone in the restoration industry, such as insurance companies, public adjusters, engineers, paintless dent repair, and attorneys. 

It is crucial for these groups to see from the start what the wind & hail history is of a property before taking on a client. 

For example, an attorney needs to know the history of storms that hit a property before proceeding with a case. With a wind & hail history report in hand, they can have a meteorologist do a deeper review of specific dates.

#2: Generate Sales with a Wind & Hail History by Address Report

Image of person door knocking with a wind and hail history by address report

Wind & hail history by address reports are not just tools for vetting leads; they are powerful sales tools. 

Several roofing contractors I talked with highlighted how these reports helped them build rapport and trust with property owners. 

Many property owners are unaware of storms hitting their properties, and presenting them with accurate wind & hail history by address data establishes credibility and fosters confidence.

Jacob Hiatt from Stonebrook Exterior told a story of how a customer stated that they had never had hail impact their building. “Using HailTrace’s weather history report, we identified three significant hail storms that led to a successful claim for repairing and replacing exterior items on their building.” 

When property owners see detailed hail history by address reports, they are more likely to trust contractors and proceed with necessary repairs.

#3: Close Claims with Accurate Date of Loss Evidence

Image of a wind and hail history by address report with one date of loss highlighted

A wind & hail history by address report is an indispensable tool for closing claims. 

It provides evidence of whether a storm occurred at a property on a specific date, which is vital for everyone involved in the weather claim.

Roofing Contractors

Roofing Contractors must provide an accurate date of loss to residential or commercial customers. Getting this date wrong can result in a denied claim and lost job. 

Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters need to have accurate hail history by address data to allow for quick assessment of whether a weather claim should be approved or denied based on the date of loss. 

Public Adjusters

Public adjusters can create stronger cases to get fair payment for storm damage using a wind & hail history by address report.

Pain Dent & Repair(PDR) Shops

Paint dent and repair shops also benefit. An accurate wind & hail history by address report is important for proving a date of loss. This helps PDR businesses make better repair decisions, smooths out insurance claims, and makes customers happier. 


Engineers assessing storm damage need precise data to make accurate evaluations. A wind & hail history by address report helps them understand the extent and impact of weather events. This helps engineers provide accurate assessments, essential for repair and reconstruction.

The Best Weather History Report To Close A Claim Fast

HailTrace's wind and hail history by address report

The cost of using an inaccurate date of loss is too high to use unreliable methods like memory, a weather app, or inaccurate history reports. 

For example, a contractor and a sales rep can lose a job or spend months on a denied claim because they did not provide an accurate date of loss to the property owner from the beginning. 

Using inaccurate weather history for an address can also cost adjusters hours inspecting the wrong properties or incorrectly approving or denying claims.

Instead of setting a property owner up for a denied claim or wasting hours focusing on the wrong claims, you can use HailTrace’s accurate Weather History Report. 

But what makes our wind & hail history by address report different?

Meteorologist + Algorithm Data In One Report

Our Weather History Report includes the date, magnitude, and duration of every hail, wind, and tornado storm that hit an address going back to 2011. 

What truly sets our reports apart is including our Meteorologist data and our Algorithm data into our report.

Our meteorologist team works around the clock to accurately map hail, wind, and tornado storms across the country. These maps show what properties were hit by these storms. 

All that data ends up on every Weather History Report you pull.

It does not stop there! 

Included on these reports is our Algorithm hail data. Designed by our Meteorologists, this Algorithm data shows precisely where the hail storm hit, providing a second layer of data on the hail history for an address. 

Together, our Meteorologist data and Algorithm data allow you to find a date of loss in moments, without spending hours doing research and depending on inaccurate information. 

Utilizing HailTrace’s official Weather History Reports empowers contractors to close claims with confidence, establish trust with property owners, and drive business growth.

Embrace the Power of Accurate Wind & Hail History Reports

The next time you are tempted to find a date of loss using the weather channel, your memory, or a little bit of guessing, use a wind & hail history by address report. 

However, but not all wind & hail history reports are created equal. 

Many in the restoration industry have experienced significant lost revenue and years wasted in litigation due to unreliable history reports. 

By leveraging HailTrace’s Weather History Report, you can avoid these pitfalls. 

Vetting leads and claims accurately, generating sales, and closing weather claims becomes efficient and straightforward. This approach ensures your success and protects your reputation in the industry.

But what happens if there is a dispute about the date of loss or a claim is in litigation or court? 

Read the difference between our four weather reports to close a claim in various steps of the claim process.

Now read "How to Turn 'No Damage' Storm Leads To A Future Sale" or "Why NOAA Hail Reports Aren't Enough To Find Hit Areas."